Die Stimmen von jungen Aktivist/innen
In den Sommermonaten gab es mehrere internationale Veranstaltungen, bei denen jugendliche die Möglichkeit zum Austausch über ihr Engagement für eine gemeinsame nachhaltige Zukunft hatten. Vertreter/innen der CIDSE und ihrer Mitgliedsorganisationen waren beim Weltjugendtag in Krakau und beim Weltsozialforum in Montreal dabei und haben die Stimmen von jungen Aktivist/innen aufgezeichnet.
Die engagierten Jugendlichen sprechen darüber, warum es ihnen wichtig ist, sowohl in ihren Gemeinschaften zu handeln und zugleich auch an globalen Bewegungen und Herausforderungen mitzuwirken. Und sie zeigen auf, dass die Teilnahme von Jugendlichen an globalen Events wertvolle Verbindungen auf der Basis von Solidarität schaffen kann - und dass diese Verbindungen zu anderen Bewegungen und Akteur/innen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Unterstützung von konkreten Alternativen und nachhaltigem Lebensstil liefern können.
Igor Bastos
Juventude Franciscana do Brasil und Mitglied des Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM), Brasilien
"We live in a moment in which it is necessary to act and, in this light, we need primarly the strength of the youth, the capacity of youth to mobilize, the capacity of youth to change and keep moving, and to take action in different struggles that are affecting our planet and our lives (...) There are different spaces where we are invited to be present in, not only with individual or personal lifestyle change, which are important, but also with collective and global engagements."
Sam Ath Kim
Öffentlichkeits- und Kommunikationsreferentin, Youth Resource Development Program, Kambodscha
"In my country, the youth make up the biggest portion of the population. Youth are the core pillar of our society. They are the future leaders of the country. That's why we need to educate youth (...) When youth have social concern, they can help educate, they can help promote climate change reduction and environmental preservation in the country. I believe that youth can make a positive change. We are part of the problem, and that's why we are also part of the solution."
Allen Ottaro
Geschäftsführer des Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa, CYNESA, Kenia
"As young people we have the right to demand our leaders to take action and be mindful of the present and also the future. But every right comes with a responsibility to find ways to act within our local communities, where we can show leadership, where we can engage with our peers, and how we can build intergenerational solidarity - we need to be in dialogue with our elders, to learn about the mistakes already made, to avoid making them again."
Janelle Delorme
Regional-Animatorin bei Development and Peace, Manitoba, Kanada
"It's a critical time for youth and young adults to develop their values and to align their values with actions (...) The youth bring new energy and fresh ideas for action. The Youth Space at the World Social Forum also allows for youth who may have felt that they don't have a voice, that they can hace a voice, and go back to their regions and countries to share and educate others, find that voice and know that they can change the world. It can be small actions, it can be big actions..."