NGOs rufen G7 Staaten auf, Schulden zu erlassen und fossile Energie nicht mehr zu finanzieren
Im Vorfeld des G7 Gipfels haben 353 Organisationen aus 58 Ländern – darunter auch die KOO – eine klare Nachricht an die G7 Staatsoberhäupter gesendet:
- Stoppt die bilaterale und multilaterale Finanzierung fossiler Energie und leitet eine gerechte Transformation des eigenen Energiesystems sein!
- Erlasst Staaten des globalen Südens, die mit Covid- und Klimawandel-Auswirkungen kämpfen, ihre Schuldenzahlungen!
- Leistet einen fairen Beitrag zur Klimawandelanpassung, Energiewende und gerechten Transformation für Länder des globalen Südens!
Die unterzeichnenden Organisationen schreiben:
“We, the 353 undersigned organizations from 58 countries, call on the leaders of G7 governments to listen and respond to the voices of global citizens calling for climate justice, debt cancellation, and an end to fossil fuel extraction, and take the following actions:
- Cancel debt payments in global South countries grappling with COVID-19 and climate impacts;
- Stop all fossil fuel finance from bilateral and multilateral funding sources, and encourage other governments to do the same;
- Support mechanisms for countries in the South that will speed up a just transition, and discourage international trade arbitration mechanisms that protect fossil fuel investors;
- Pay their fair share of climate finance to global South countries for climate adaptation , the development of renewable energy technologies, a just transition to clean energy for workers, communities, and countries, and access to energy for those who currently lack it;
- Put an end to fossil fuel development in your own countries, including by ending fossil fuel subsidies; manage the decline of existing production of oil, gas, and coal; and rapidly initiate a just transition to clean and safe renewable sources of energy — involving extensive engagement with oil, gas, and coal workers, their unions and affected communities.”
Der gesamte Brief ist hier zu finden: Englisch, Spanisch/español, Portugiesisch/português, Französisch/français, Arabisch.